Friday 8 April 2011

Offences and the heart...

Devotee: Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. Maharaja, you said that our heartshould be simple, but when the mind is so offensive... His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: Mind is offensive because the heart is not simple. [laughter] When theheart becomes simple then the mind also will become straight. Devotee: How should one make his heart simple? His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: Practice sadhana bhakti which means trnad api sunicena taror ivasahisnuna amanina mana dena kirtaniyah sada harih [Sri Siksastakam, verse3]. Chant the Holy Name in that state of mind, being more humble than ablade of grass, being as tolerant as a tree, desiring no respect, norecognition for yourself, you offer all respect to others then only you'llbe able to chant the pure name of the Lord. Once you get the taste of thepure name of the Lord, you can't stop chanting. You become mad. Like you'llwant to relish that wonderful taste again and again and again. So that's whykirtaniyah sada harih. Devotee: If offences are coming in our mind, what about that? His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami: In the age of Kali if the offences that are committed in the mind arenot so bad. But at least physically do not commit offences. Mind isthinking, then feeling, then willing and acting. So don't act, right? Don'tact on these offences. In the mind there maybe offences, but don't speakabout those offences. Don't blaspheme the devotees. Don't blaspheme thescriptures and in this way keep your mind from committing offences.