Wednesday 30 June 2010


Q: Maharaj, you explained about how one should aspire for the association of higher devotees. Sometimes we associate with devotees who are on same devotional level still we have a chance to fall down.

A: Sometimes one associates with devotees out of fraternity. If it not motivated by the aspiration to spiritually elevate oneself, it might provedetrimental.

Association is like a colored light through crystal. It projects the color of light that is incident on it.

Human consciousness is similar to that where with whomever one associates, he develops that consciousness. Anyone is really serious about his spiritual life must associate with advanced devotees as the association of advanced devotees who are endowed with Vaishnava qualities will enable us also to develop the same. Mahaprabhu gave a very clear instruction that one should give up the association of non devotees so as to advance in spiritual life.

Some might question that why do devotees go and associate with non devotees. The answer is that a devotee doesn’t go to the non devotees to associate witht hem but to preach to them. We go there not to take any thing but to give Krsna consciousness.

Therefore one should associate with non devotee close enough to just give Krsna consciousness.